Support the Surya Foundation and our mission
The Surya Foundation exists because of your generous support and dedication to our mission. We are dedicated to making the world a better place through our initiatives and projects that cover diverse fields such as education, health, culture and social support.
Your support makes possible our work in socially significant areas such as environmental protection, support for people in crisis, healthcare, culture, and other social support.
Our team believes in the power of good and works tirelessly to bring about positive change. Everyone can make a difference and that together we can achieve meaningful change
Юлияна Николова
Yuliyana Nikolova
Why is your support important?
Your donations help us to:
Funding logistics costs for our causes
Maintenance of the necessary technical infrastructure
Covering regular administrative costs
Support for lawyers, psychologists and consultants
How you can help
Participate with us
Come and join the activities in support of our cause. Only together can we create great things.
Become our expert
Tell us about your professional skills and we will try to suggest how you can leave a mark for a better world.
Become the voice of the cause
Give your friends the opportunity to participate in charitable causes. Good is multiplied when it is shared.
You can support this cause by bank transfer:
IBAN: BG78UNCR70001525676649
In the field “Basis of payment” write the name of the cause or “Surya Foundation” if you wish to support the Foundation and its activities.
You can also donate using other methods available in the donation module in each campaign.
Thank you for your support!
We call on everyone who shares our passion and vision to join us on the path to creating something meaningful.
Together we can do more!
Thank you for your trust and generosity!